Monday 11 December 2017

What is SAP workflow?

Workflow, as the name proposes, implies the flow of work, perhaps starting with one individual then onto the next individual. It is, truth be told, a sequence of associated activities resulting in an exchange of information.

Example of SAP Workflow

Give us a chance to consider a basic case - "Application of leave". It comprises of the accompanying exercises.

1. Employee submits a leave application form to his director. (He fills in details like the FROM and TO dates of leave, the explanation behind leave, his contact number and so forth)
2. Supervisor checks the details of the application
3. In case, he finds that the explanation behind his leave isn't satisfied/detailed legitimately, he may dismiss the leave application.
4. Presently, the employee needs to remedy the leave application, indicating the leave reason legitimately and submit the application once more.
5. The supervisor finally approves the leave application.

It would be ideal if you take note of that there can be numerous varieties of the business procedure.
A basic case is talked about here to give your comprehension of workflow, a great begin. The strategies can be complex including numerous people, decisions, and endorsements.

Disadvantages of Traditional Paper Based Flow of Work

There are many disadvantages to the conventional paper-based flow of work in a typical office environment.

1. Lack of transparency: 

There is no simple approach to know the status of the leave application. We most likely need to ask the administrator by and by whether he has endorsed the leave application or not. There is no framework recorded status that we can look at, to track the application.

2. Long lead times: 

Bases on client criticism survey, it is discovered that a traditional paper-based approach including three individuals normally takes seven days to finish.

3. Lack of deadline monitoring: 

Who knows? The manager may very well sit on the task for a really long time. There is no mechanism set up to guarantee that the people perform errands within a planned time period.

4. High costs: 

Paper-based workflows are exorbitant to help because of manual document processing and archival.

Workflow is nothing but the path a procedure takes in light of a specific arrangement of procedural guidelines. They might be exceptionally basic as endorsements or dismissals or very complex as getting many levels of endorsements in light of conditions for the release of a buy order where numerous offices are included.

Workflow Builder is to make, show and change a workflow. The transaction code is SWDD.
A Workflow example is only a single run of the workflow.
Tasks are the steps performed in the process either by the software automatically or by the general population.
A Work thing is the task's occurrence that is executed as a single workflow step.
Workflow Container is where every one of the information utilized as a part of the workflow is gathered.
Binding is the arrangement of standards that characterize which data is passed to which part of the procedure.


SAPVITS is the best Institute to learn SAP Online Training in India, UK, USA and worldwide. It includes SAP courses, SAP online training with server access facility. SAP Workflow Training in Hyderabad Course introduces you to Workflow Introduction, Workflow Development, Developing Bo’s Methods, Various Types of Task, Workflow containers, Triggering event Mechanisms, Basic Step types, Agents, Reporting, Log Analysis & Debugging, Basic Customization for workflow, Miscellaneous Topics, Business Workplace, OO ABAP with Workflow, IDOCs with Workflows, inbound and outbound,   Extended notifications.

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